Tag Archives: marketing

Benefits, not Features?

The hard-coded marketing mantra is to talk about benefits, not features and functions.

“Use this solution. It will help you increase customer satisfaction, drive business and encourage innovation.” That’s what I know as a strong message from this side of the marketing veil.

It may be a little different on the other side, though … when I’m considering a project proposal stuffed with benefits, my instantaneous reaction is “yes, I know this solution is going to provide that. But so is any other solution I consider. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be considering it.” Those benefits answer the question, “should I use a solution, or shouldn’t I?” But they don’t do anything for me on the front of “why should I choose this solution?”
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Extreme Interruption Advertising

Have you ever had such an awful experience as a marketing victim that you just had to go to your blog and publish something about it?

Here, click on this article link:


But be warned, those who cross those waters will be met by:

  • A side pop-up that actually shoves the entire screen over, requiring a click to bring it back
  • An in-screen pop-up that needs to be closed, because your browser won’t catch it
  • An extending ad at the top of the page that moves everything downward, requiring another click to collapse it

All in about 30 seconds.
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