Way to Go, Monster BeKnown

Monster BeKnownAs a frequent Internet user in the age of social networking, I’ve become slightly numb to the many ways in which social networks integrate, connect, and personalize the Web experience. I’m no longer surprised when a hotel review site seems to know my Facebook profile picture, or when an article I’m reading has a share tweet all ready to launch from my own Twitter account. I’m used to unflinchingly clicking “no” when mobile games ask to post things to Facebook on my behalf. (Even though I entirely condone this style of crowd-sourced marketing, I’m nobody’s promotional drone, y’all.)

But every once in a while I’m caught off guard by a particularly smart use of social media interlinking, and I decide, yeah, this looks good. The BeKnown app from Monster – actually launched in 2011 – grabbed my attention with the simple lure of finding more jobs through one’s Facebook connections. This, not surprisingly, is useful when one is trying to find a new job.

I clicked to allow the site to connect to my Facebook account, said “no” to the app posting on my behalf (I’m still not going to be Monster’s promotional drone), and immediately saw a wealth of great companies where my friends apparently work. Even better, Monster had already done the work for me and showed me all of the positions currently available at those companies. Now instead of having to email or call each of my friends, strike up small talk, and passively imply that I’m looking for work, I can just reach out directly to those people whose companies are hiring for the position I want and say “Hey, Monster says your boss might have a job for me.” Just like that.

Good one, Monster. For one passive promotional drone you missed out on, you inspired an active blog post.

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