Extreme Interruption Advertising

Have you ever had such an awful experience as a marketing victim that you just had to go to your blog and publish something about it?

Here, click on this article link:


But be warned, those who cross those waters will be met by:

  • A side pop-up that actually shoves the entire screen over, requiring a click to bring it back
  • An in-screen pop-up that needs to be closed, because your browser won’t catch it
  • An extending ad at the top of the page that moves everything downward, requiring another click to collapse it

All in about 30 seconds.

Isn’t that a little bit, I dunno, outside the realm of honest advertising?

I’m reminded of a protestor I was watching yesterday, when an LA extension of the Occupy Wall Street movement blocked off the major intersection at Westwood and Wilshire. One car tried to squeeze through, making a right onto Wilshire, and a girl in a dark green shirt ran out in front of him. She stopped him dead in the street, bumper-to-knee, brandishing a large cardboard sign. He backed up to go around her and she moved to get back in front of him. This went on for a few minutes until the guy got out of his car to yell at her — he wasn’t even wearing a business suit or driving an expensive car. In fact, he may have even supported their cause.

He was probably a little less convinced after that.

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